The Blackwood family is strong and proud with varied belief but at all times we request members be respectful.
This is about family; meeting and learning about each other, celebrating and supporting each other. Will we disagree? Of course, we are a multi-generational group with varied beliefs and the fact is family have disagreements all the time, but we do not give up on each other nor should we disparage each other. Dismissive or condescending behaviour with each other is unacceptable; we can disagree without conflict, we should at all times respect each other and their belief.
As a group we respectfully request no political, controversial or conspiracy theories materials be posted on the group chat. It is our right to believe as we will and follow any group/person that we wish but please do not impose your belief on others; treat this group as if you are at a dinner party or in mixed company knowing that certain topics are off limit…always ask yourself: is this topic appropriate for discussion?
We also request that inspirational and other quotes be kept to a minimum, the daily postings especially with videos and pictures are becoming problematic for others which result in some having phone issues, please try to keep these to once per week per person.